Health Science Radio
What is quantum computing and how will it improve healthcare? What are the latest innovations in cell and gene therapy? How are human eating habits affected by our evolution? Health Science Radio is a podcast that answers these questions and more, exploring tomorrow’s medicine today. We talk with University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus researchers who are devoted to solving the most persistent challenges in health science.
Health Science Radio
CU Anschutz Takes Lead in Unraveling the Mysteries of Long COVID
This episode of CU Anschutz 360 focuses on the research into long COVID taking place at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. An important study involving CU Anschutz researchers ties into RECOVER, a national initiative seeking to uncover the long-term effects of COVID and develop treatments for long COVID patients. Kristine Erlandson, MD, an associate professor of medicine and infectious disease at the CU School of Medicine, shares insights into the study that developed a scoring system to help learn which adults, out of a cohort of nearly 10,000, may have long COVID.