Health Science Radio
What is quantum computing and how will it improve healthcare? What are the latest innovations in cell and gene therapy? How are human eating habits affected by our evolution? Health Science Radio is a podcast that answers these questions and more, exploring tomorrow’s medicine today. We talk with University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus researchers who are devoted to solving the most persistent challenges in health science.
Health Science Radio
National Crisis of Physician Burnout: What Can Be Done?
This episode features a discussion about the burnout crisis among physicians and other healthcare professionals. The Association of Medical Colleges estimates that the United States will face a shortage of between 38,000 and 124,000 physicians by 2034. Our guest is Dr. Lotte Dyrbye, senior associate dean of faculty and chief well-being officer at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and a national thought leader in physician burnout. Dr. Dyrbye explains the magnitude of the problem, identifies the predictors of burnout, and shares ideas on reducing the stressors facing healthcare professionals.